JudulEvaluasi Program Pengendalian Tuberkulosis Dalam Penemuan Kasus Tuberkulosis Di Puskesmas Sangurara Kota Palu
Tahun: 2025
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. In 2023 Sangurara Health Center was the health center with the lowest number of TB case finding among 14 health centers in Palu City. The number of case finding at Sangurara Health Center in Palu City in 2023 was 33% and in January to November 2024 was 46%, not reaching 90% of the national target. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inputs, processes, and outputs related to the tuberculosis control program in case finding at Sangurara Health Center in Palu City. This research is a qualitative qualitative research with a case study approach. The informants consisted of 1 main informant, 1 key informant, and 4 additional informants. Data processing using matrix technique. The method of checking the validity of the research is by using the triangulation method. The results showed that in terms of input in the tuberculosis case finding program, there is still a shortage of human resources, funds that have not yet been allocated. Human resources, insufficient funds, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. The implementation process of TB case finding has not run optimally. The output of TB case finding is still low and has not reached the national target. The inhibiting factor is the lack of public knowledge about tuberculosis. Suggestions in this study are expected to increase the number of health workers, especially in the case finding program. Case finding program, equipping facilities and infrastructure, conducting socialization on tuberculosis disease.

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