JudulEksplorasi Kesehatan Mental Pada Anak Korban Bullying Di SDN Korobonde Kecamatan Lembo |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak Rickyunly Mersyi Conducted Mental Health Exploration in Children Victims of Bullying at SDN Korobonde, Lembo District (under the guidance of Nurhaya S Patui). Reproductive Health Specialization Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health Tadulako University Indonesia is in the fifth highest position as the country with the most bullying cases. KPAI data states that bullying behavior in 2018-2021 was 695 cases. Data from the DP3A of Central Sulawesi Province recorded 354 cases of violence against children in 2023. Data from the P2KBP3A of North Morowali Regency recorded 22 cases of violence against children in 2022. Based on a preliminary study at SDN Korobonde, educators have been given training in handling violence in schools, but there are still many verbal, relational, and physical bullying cases that occur in schools. This study aims to explore the mental health of children who are victims of bullying at SDN Korobonde. The type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The informants of the study were 11 people based on the accidental sampling technique. Data management used the matrix technique. The results of the study showed that physical and non-physical bullying experienced by victims caused thoughts about negative self-concepts, thoughts of hatred towards the perpetrators, and delusions/hallucinations due to trauma, so that the victims felt threatened. Motives and conflict control were carried out by communicating the events experienced, avoiding the perpetrators, and tending to remain silent when experiencing bullying. Informants had less social interaction because their friendships are not happy and they do not feel calm while at school even though they have received support from those closest to them. The informant's emotions are often crying, angry, and afraid without clear reasons and thought disorders that interfere with daily activities. It is hoped that schools and parents will provide in-depth attention and guidance to victims and perpetrators of bullying and provide BK teachers so that they can overcome and provide individual counseling services for victims and perpetrators of bullying. Keywords: Children, Bullying and Mental Health |