JudulEfektivitas Video Pembelajaran Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) Di SDN Inpres 2 Tanamodindi Kota Palu |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak ABSTRACT Geisya Arya Sabilah Effectiveness of handwashing with soap (HWWS) Behaviorlearning video at SDN Inpres 2 Tanamodindi Palu City (Under the guidance of Arwan) Specialization in Health Promotion and Behavioral Science Public Health Study Program Faculty of Public Health Tadulako University Studies conducted by WHO that 50% of the reduction in diarrhea rates is caused by Hand hygiene using soap and clean water is essential. Diseases such as acute respiratory infections, cholera, intestinal worms, influenza, and hepatitis A can be effectively prevented through simple practices like proper hand washing with soap. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of CTPS learning videos on students at SDN Inpres 2 Tanamodindi in Palu City, employing a quasi- experimental design. The study's population consisted of 60 individuals, selected using a non-probability sampling technique (saturated sample), resulting in a sample size equal to the population. Data were analyzed statistically through normality tests and the Wilcoxon test. The findings reveal that the initial data exhibited a normal distribution and indicate that CTPS learning videos significantly enhance attitudes, behavioral control, and subjective norms among students at SDN Inpres 2 Tanamodindi (p = 0.000). This suggests a positive impact of the hand washing with soap educational videos on students' behavioral control, subjective norms, and attitudes towards hand hygiene. It is recommended that educators and schools ensure the availability of comprehensive hand washing facilities to facilitate proper hand hygiene practices among students. Keywords: CTPS, Video Media, Handwashing with Soap Behavior |