JudulPerilaku Merokok Remaja Laki-Laki Di SMA Negeri 1 Moutong Kecamatan Moutong Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
Tahun: 2023
Smoking is a habit that is difficult to stop and hurts smokers and the people around them. According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescent deaths due to smoking in 2030 will reach 10 million people per year. Teen smokers aged 10-18 years in Indonesia continue to experience an increase in Basic Health Research data (2018) smoking behavior has increased to 9.1%, and data have already exceeded the target of the national medium-term development plan of 5.4% of cigarette consumption in 2019. Data on the number of smokers at SMA Negeri 1 Moutong continues to increase every year and in 2021 as many as 80 students are already smoking. This research aims to find out how the male smoking behavior at SMA Negeri 1 Moutong. This type of research was qualitative research with a case study approach. Informants in the research were 8 people using the purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed through the matrix technique. The results of the research show that the knowledge of male adolescents is quite good about the effects of the dangers of smoking. Attitudes toward smoking adolescents accept invitations from friends without wanting to avoid smoking behavior. Smoking facilities and infrastructure by buying a retailer/per stick using pocket money given by a friend. The environment on the smoking behavior of adolescents is just the fun of smoking and relieving stress. Peer support provides advice to an adolescent who smoke to avoid smoking behavior. Family support does not provide facilities or provide them to smoke.

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