JudulFaktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Di Kecamatan Moilong Kabupaten Banggai
Tahun: 2021
Stunting is a condition when a child's height does not match with his age, a child with stunting has a height which is too short. Stunting is caused by lack of nutritional intake for a long time since the conception to 2 years of age. The prevalence of stunting in Moilong Subistrict in 2020 is 22%. This research aims to examine factors associated with stunting in children under five years at Moilong Subdistrict Banggai Regency. The research method used was quantitative with a cross-sectional research design. The number of samples was 252 participants using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected towards a questionnaire, the data were analyzed through univariate and bivariate analysis, using the chi square test with a value of ? <0.05. The result shows that there is a relationship among breastfeeding (p=0.000), knowledge of maternal nutrition (p=0.007), infectious diseases (p=0.001), environmental sanitation hygiene (p=0.021). In conclusion, there is a relationship among exclusive breastfeeding, knowledge of maternal nutrition, infectious diseases, and environmental sanitation hygiene with the incidence of stunting. It is recommended that health services must be able to provide more intense education to the community to prevent stunting in children in order to reduce the incidence of stunting and improve public health status.

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