JudulAktivitas Harian Rusa Timor Yang Mendapatkan Pakan Tambahan Limbah Bungkil Kelapa Sawit Di Penangkaran
Tahun: 2021
This study aims to determine the behavior of daily activities carried out by Timor deer who get additional feed from palm oil cake waste in captivity. The research was conducted in August - September 2019. The daily activities of Timor deer include eating, drinking, resting, sleeping, and chewing. The research was conducted experimentally using quantitative and descriptive analysis of 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment applied was BKS0 = Palm Oil Cake 0% + Rice Bran 94.49% + Urea 3.80% + Premix 1.0% + Salt 1.0%, BKS10 = Palm Oil Cake 10% + Rice Bran 84, 91% + Urea 3.08% + Premix 1.0% + Salt 1.0%, BKS20 = Oil Palm Cake 20% + Rice bran 75.33% + Urea 2.67% + Premix 1.0% + Salt 1 , 0%, and BKS30 = Palm Oil Meal 30% + Rice bran 65.74% + Urea 2.25% + Premix 1.0% + Salt 1.0%. The results showed that the daily activities of Timor Deer showed results. BKS0 = rest 55.9%, eating activity 30.7%, chewing 8.78%, sleeping 4.26%, drinking 0.48%. BKS10 = rest 55.97%, eating activity 27.28%, chewing 9.3%, sleeping 7.22%, and drinking 0.41%. BKS20 = rest 48.05%, eat 29.3%, chew 12.04%, sleep 10.09%, and drink 0.48%. BKS30 = rest 52.35%, eat 27.67%, chew 13.85%, sleep 5.79%, and drink 0.41%. In this study, it was concluded that the resting activity of Timor deer was the most dominant and drinking activity had the least percentage.

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