JudulEvaluasi Keberhasilan Program Inseminasi Buatan (Ib) Sapi Potong Di Kecamatan Parigi Selatan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
Tahun: 2022
The increase in public demand for livestock products, especially meat, is influenced by the increase in population, in addition to increased income and growing public awareness of the importance of consuming nutritious food. The government has carried out various reproductive biotechnology programs, namely Artificial Insemination, Artificial Insemination (IB) is alternative technology that is being developed in an effort to increase the biological productivity of indoonesian local livestock through breeding technology which results are relatively fast and quite satisfying. There are 1 inseminator in South Parigi District. The insemintor in Kecamatan Parigi Selatan is very experienced, as it is knwon that the experience of an inseminator determines the accuracy of the timing of IB, as well as the exact placement of semen in the female reproductive tract (vagina and cervix), allah of which are factors that support the success of an IB program. The implementation of the IB program in Kecamatan Parigi Selatan can be said to be successful based on the S/C value and NRR values of 1.40 and 80% respectively, while the CR value obtained is 62% which is quite good. We recommend that in the future, in terms of aveluating the success of IB, it is necessary to add additional inseminator officers to ensure the availability of inseminators at any time needed in addition to the efficiency of the implementation of the IB program as well as for accuracy detection of lust. Keywoard : Conception Rate (CR), Evalution of the Artificial Insemination (IB), Neon Return Rate (NRR), Service Per Conception (S/C)

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