JudulPengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Sari Buah Jambu Biji (Psidium Guajava) Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Pada Preparasi Semen Cair Sapi Donggala
Tahun: 2020
Rifaldin (o 121 13 051) effects of adding extract from guava fruit (psidium guajava) on the quality of spermatozoa in donggala liquid cement preparations.. (mirajuddin and najamudin, 2020). Various ways that researchers have determined cement materials to achieve good results in maintaining the quality of the cement in storage, with no satisfaction as to the results. The study aims to counteract the influence of guava extracts in dilution tris, cyrat, glucose and egg yellow to the quality of spermatozoa. The study has been carried out in the uptd reproduction laboratory for the plantation service and central sulawesi province of march - April 2019. Samples used include semen from donggala cows, tris, citrus, glucose, egg yolk and extract of guava. Data analysis USES variance analysis (anova) with 4 treatments and 5 deuteronomy. Treatment given to fresh donggala cemens such as p0, citrus, glucose + egg yolk (20 %) + extract from guava juice (0 %); P1: tris, citron, glucose + egg yolk (20 %) + extract from guava juice (5 %); P2: tris, citron, glucose + egg yolk (20 %) + extract from guava juice (10 %); P3: tris, sitrat, glucose + egg yolk (20 %) + extract from guava fruit (15 %) and five samples taken as a test. Data on the quality of spermatozoa in motility, abnormality and viability of spermatozoa were analyzed by variance analysis and continued by BNJ test. Uji affinity indicates that treatment with the adding of guava juice juice has an obvious impact. 10 % more extract of guava juice (p2) shows the percentage of motility and viability for spermatozoa donggala is higher than nillai percentage p0, p1 and p3. While abnormality indicates no apparent effect (p > 0.05). Key words: extract of guava juice, cement quality, donggala cow.

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