JudulPerilaku Merokok Remaja Perempuan Di SMP Negeri 2 Palu.
Tahun: 2020
Female smokers are 25% more at risk than male smokers and have a more specific impact on reproductive health. Based on data on female smokers according to the Basic Health Research in 2018, the number of female smokers in Indonesia was 4.8%, in Palu city, there were 583 female smokers. Based on data obtained at SMP Negeri 2 Palu, in 2019, of the 240 female students, there were 27 (11%) students who smoked. The research aims to find out the smoking behavior of female teenagers at SMP Negeri 2 Palu. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. There are 9 informants as a sample taken through a purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using matrix techniques. The result of the research shows that the knowledge of female teenagers is quite good about the impact of the dangers of smoking. Female teenager smokers have negative attitudes towards cigarettes; teenager accepts friend requests without wanting to avoid smoking. Cigarette advertisements do not influence female teenager decision to smoke. Access to cigarettes makes it easy for female teenagers to get cigarettes around the neighborhood from friends and bully friends who don't smoke. Family support provides advice to female teenagers to avoid smoking behavior. Suggestions for SMPN 2 Palu to make special rules for all students especially female teenagers who smoke so that they can change student behavior and it is also hoped that the school will provide socialization to students regarding the dangers of smoking. Keywords: Behavior, Teenager Smoking, Female

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