JudulHubungan Sleep Hygiene Dengan Kualitas Tidur Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2023 Universitas Tadulako
Tahun: 2024
Background: Poor sleep quality can affect physical, psychological health, academic performance and affect productivity. There are many factors that can affect sleep quality, one of the modifiable factors is sleep hygiene, which is habits and behaviors that support healthy sleep. Methods: Quantitative research with observational analytic design and cross sectional approach. Samples were taken based on total sampling techniques and analyzed using the Spearman Test. Results: Data from 147 students showed (88.4%) students had good sleep hygiene, (10.9%) students had moderate sleep hygiene, and (0.7%) students had poor sleep hygiene. Students' sleep quality was divided into good and bad, with (36.7%) students having good sleep quality and (63.3%) students having poor sleep quality. Spearman test showed a significant relationship between sleep hygiene and sleep quality with a value of p = 0.007 (p <0.05). The correlation obtained is a positive correlation with a value of r = 0.188. Conclusion: There is a significant positive correlation between sleep hygiene and sleep quality, that is, the better the sleep hygiene, the better the sleep quality. Keywords: Sleep Hygiene, Sleep Quality, Sleep Hygiene Index (SHI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).

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