JudulPreferensi Habitat Dan Pola Sebaran Burung Di Desa Badumpayan, Kec. Banggai Tengah, Kab. Banggai Laut |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak Birds are wild animals that have the ability to live in nearly all types of habitats, ranging from the poles to deserts, coniferous forests to tropical forests, and from rivers and swamps to oceans. Birds exhibit high mobility and the ability to adapt to a wide variety of extensive habitats. However, the management of these natural resources has not been optimal, leading to the endangerment of some bird species. This study aims to identify the bird species, bird community structure, bird distribution patterns, and habitat preferences in Badumpayan Village, Banggai Tengah Subdistrict, Banggai Laut Regency. The research was conducted over two months, from April to May 2024. The study used the Point Count method, a wildlife census technique based on the same concept and theory as line transects, but with sample plots in the form of circles with a specific radius and not dependent on speed. The research conducted in Badumpayan Village, which consists of two habitat types gardens and seasonal lakes—identified 28 bird species from 20 families. In the garden habitat, insectivorous bird species were highly dominant. Meanwhile, in the seasonal lake habitat, insectivorous bird species were also dominant, followed by seed-eating birds. Analysis using the Morisita index (I?) revealed that the dominant distribution pattern in both the garden and seasonal lake habitats was a clustered distribution. Habitat preferences showed that 11 bird species preferred the garden habitat, three bird species favored the seasonal lake habitat, and six species were found in both habitats. |