JudulKeanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Kawasan Cagar Alam Pangi Binangga Desa Sakina Jaya Kecamatan Parigi Utara Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
Tahun: 2025
The diversity of bird species can reflect the high biodiversity of other wildlife, meaning birds can serve as indicators of forest quality. Various bird species can be found in different types of habitats, including forests (primary/secondary), agroforests, plantations (oil palm, rubber, coffee), and open areas (rice fields and abandoned land). The objective of this study is to determine the bird species diversity in the Pangi Binangga Nature Reserve Area, Sakina Jaya Village, North Parigi District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This study was conducted from July to August 2024. The research used the Point Count method, where observations were made by positioning oneself at systematically selected and pre-determined points, observing, recording, and identifying the species and the number of individuals of each species encountered directly. The bird species observation was carried out in two habitat types: secondary forest and riverbank. The distance between observation points was ±100 meters. Based on the research data, a total of 30 bird species were recorded, with 26 species found in the riverbank habitat and 20 species in the secondary forest habitat. The bird species diversity index in the riverbank habitat was H’ = 2.571, while in the secondary forest habitat, it was H’ = 2.487. The evenness index for the bird species in the riverbank habitat was approximately 0.789, and in the secondary forest habitat, it was approximately 0.830. The closer the index value is to 1, the higher the evenness, indicating that a habitat has a more equal and balanced abundance of individual species.

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