JudulKondisi Fisik Tanah Di Bawah Tegakan Jati (Tectona Grandis Linn.F) Umur 7 Dan 10 Tahun Di Desa Towera Kecamatan Siniu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
Tahun: 2024
The phycsical properties of the soil play a role in root activity in plants, both in terms of absorption of nutrients, water and oxygen may be as a barried to plants root movement. Considering the importance of physical condition, knowledge is needed about the physical condition of the soil under teak stands of different ages, namely 7 and 10 years old. An effort to determine the physical condition of the soil in teak stands is by researching the physical condition of the soil under 7 and 10 year old teak (Tectona grandis Linn.F) stands in Towera Village, Siniu District, Parigi Moutong Regency. The results of this research show that the physical condition of the soil in 7 year old teak stands has very slow permeability with a value of 0,99 cm/hour, very high bulk density density with a value of 1,46 g/cm3, very high particle density with a value of 2,49 g/cm3, the texture of the soil is loam (41,5% sand, 37,1% dust, 23,7% clay), and the porosity is not good with a value of 41,25% . Meanwhile, 10 year old teak has very slow permeability with a value of 0,63 cm/hour, very high bulk density with a value of 1,54 g/cm3, very high particle density with a value of 2,47 g/cm3, clay soil texture (sand 36,3%, dust 34,5% clay 26,0%) and soil porosity 25,04%.

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