JudulPengaruh Kombinasi Dosis Vermikompos Dan Bakteri Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria L. Nielsen) Pada Tanah Tailing.
Tahun: 2023
Sengon is a type of tree that has enormous potential, so it is good to be used as a reforestation, reforestation, and protection plant. This research was conducted for three months, from January to April 2023, which took place at the Jaya Farmers Group Nursery in Uwemanje Village, Kinovaro District, Sigi Regency. Central Sulawesi. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) combination with eight treatments, namely: V0 = Without organic fertilizer (Control), V1 = Vermicompost 15 g/polybag, V2 = Vermicompost 20 g/polybag, V3 = Vermicompost 25 g/polybag, V4 = Rhizobium 5 g/polybag, V5 = Vermicompost 15 g/polybag + Rhizobium 5 g/polybag, V6 = Vermicompost 20 g/polybag + Rhizobium 5 g/polybag, V7 = Vermicompost 25 g/polybag + Rhizobium 5 g/polybag. Each of these treatments was repeated 5 times. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the application of vermicompost and rhizobium had a significant effect. Treatment (V4) Rhizobium gave a better effect compared to other treatments with an average height of 8.56 cm, diameter of 1.32 mm, and number of petioles of 8.4 (strands).

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