JudulPengaruh Berbagai Konsetrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Dasar Limbah Kulit Pisang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Sengon Laut (paraserianthes Falcataria L. Nielsen) Dilapangan
Tahun: 2023
Abstract Applying liquid organic fertilizer based on banana peel waste to support growth at the beginning of the growth of sea sengon seedlings (Parasentrianthes falcataria L. Nielsen). This study aims to determine the best concentration of the fertilizer in the early growth of sea sengon seedlings in the field. This research was carried out for 3 months from February/May 2022 in the area of the Faculty of Forestry, Tadulako Palu University. The research method used a complete randomized design (RAL) consisting of 4 treatments with 8 repeats. The observation parameters are the increase in height, diameter, number of leaves. Furthermore, a fingerprint analysis was carried out (F test). Fingerprint analysis shows that the application of various concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer based on banana peel waste has a significant effect on the growth of height, diameter, number of leaves of sea sengon seedlings. Based on the results of the smallest real difference test (BNT) level of 5% shows an increase in the height of sea sengon seedlings in the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer for banana peel waste, from the highest to the lowest, namely P1 (11.63 cm), P3 (8.13 cm), P2 (7.63 cm), P0 (3.88 cm). the highest to lowest increase in the diameter of sea sengon seedlings was in the treatment of P1 (1.16 mm), P3 (0.68 mm), P2 (0.48 mm), P0 (0.33 mm). the highest to lowest increase in the number of leaves of sea sengon seedlings is P1 (3.13 strands), P3 (2.25 strands), P2 (1.88 strands) P0 (1.00 strands). Keyword: Banana Peel, Liquid Fertilizer, sea sengon, Parasentrianthes falcataria L. Nielsen

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