JudulKarakteristik Fisik Habitat Dan Komposisi Tumbuhan Mangrove Di Desa Bobu Kecamatan Tinangkung Selatan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak Mangrove characteristics are influenced by seawater, freshwater, and sediment. Decomposition of mangrove litter supports life within the ecosystem. This study examines the physical characteristics and plant composition of mangroves in Bobu Village, conducted in October-November 2022. The mangrove identification conducted at the research site yielded 14 mangrove species belonging to 8 families across 4 zones, with the Rhizophoraceae family dominating. Rhizophora apiculata was the tallest mangrove species, found at two levels: tree and prop root, with an Importance Value Index (INP) of 54.141% and 56.552%, respectively. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza had an INP of 52.673% at the prop root level, while Rhizophora mucronata had the highest number of seedlings across all zones, with an INP of 36.111%. Environmental parameter measurements influencing mangroves at the research site showed that the water pH in the distal zone was 7.91, the medial zone was 8.06, and the proximal zone was 8.19. Soil texture analysis revealed that the medial and proximal zones had sandy soil, while the distal zone had sandy loam. Soil color indicated that the distal zone had reddish-yellow soil, the medial zone had grayish-brown soil, and the proximal zone had light brownish-gray soil. |