JudulKeanekaragaman Jenis Kupu-Kupu Di Sekitaran Danau Rano, Desa Rano, Kecamatan Balaesang Tanjung, Kabupaten Donggala
Tahun: 2025
Most butterflies have the same body structure or anatomy. The body of an adult butterfly consists of 3 parts, the head (head), chest (thorax), and abdomen (abdomen). The diversity of butterflies in one place is different from another, because the existence of butterflies in a habitat is very closely related to environmental factors, both abiotic factors such as sunlight intensity, temperature, air and water humidity, as well as biotic factors such as vegetation and other animals. There are 19 species of butterflies found around the Lake Rano area, Balaesang Tanjung District, Donggala Regency, consisting of Nymphalidae (13 species), Pieridae (2 species), Papilionidae (2 species), Lycaenidae (1 species) and Hesperidae (1 species). The results of the analysis of butterflies that dominate the transect pathway in the Rano lake area can be seen based on the Simpson dominance index value criterion which states that the value of D> 5, the butterfly species Ypthima horsfieldii consistently dominates the transect pathway in the area around Lake Rano (dominance index: 23) with a total of 21 species, followed by the Junonia intermedia species with (dominance index: 22) a total of 20 species, Ideopsis juventa (dominance index: 11) a total of 10 species, Neptis ida (dominance index: 8) a total of 7 species, Ideopsis vitrea (dominance index: 6) a total of 6 species. In most natural communities, a few species of butterflies tend to have a larger (dominant) number of individuals, while many other species may be represented by fewer individuals. Keywords: Butterflies, Diversity, Rano Lake.

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