JudulKomposisi Dan Asosiasi Jenis Burung Di Danau Rano, Desa Rano, Kecamatan Balaesang Tanjung, Kabupaten Donggala |
Tahun: 2025 |
Abstrak Abstract This study aims to determine the composition and association of bird species in Rano Lake, Rano Village, Balaesang Tanjung District, Donggala Regency. The data collection technique was carried out using the point count method. Observations were made on sample units (count points) in the form of a circle with a radius of r = 25 meters. The collection process was carried out by recording and identifying each type of bird found directly (visually) and indirectly (audio). The total number of observation points in the bird habitat whose observation points were adjusted to the area of the research area. In this study, the number of points in the point count method used was 30 points. The results of the study conducted at Rano Lake, Rano Village, Balaesang Tanjung District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi, there were 22 species of birds included in 15 families. Based on the results of the data analysis that had been carried out in this study, an association of two types of birds was found where X² count> X² table (0.05), namely the Alcedo meninnting associated with (Corvus enca). Eudynasmy melanorhynchus associated with (Passer montanus, Corvus enca, Hypothymis azurea and Pellorneum celebense). The Passer montanus is associated with (Corvus enca, , Hypothymis azurea, Pellorneum celebense). The Corvus enca is associated with (Hypothymis azurea, Pellorneum celebense). The Turacoena manadensis is associated with (Ducula aenea and Anhinga melanogaster). The Hypothymis azurea is associated with (Pellorneum celebense). The Treron vernans is associated with (Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, green magpie and Asian snake-whisker). The flower-whisker is associated with (plain swiftlet, Ducula aenea and Anhinga melanogaster). The Ardeola speciosa is associated with (Butorides striata). The Butorides striata is associated with (Amaurornis phoenicurus). The Ducula aenea is associated with (Anhinga melanogaster). Keywords: Bird, Association, Rano. |