JudulAnalisis Pendapatan Petani Karet (hevea Brasiliensis) Di Desa Karya Mukti
Tahun: 2022
Abstract The forest management unit (KPH) Dampelas Tinombo has carried out a land and forest rehabilitation program. To take advantage of the existing land conditions in the village of Karya Mukti, the KPH Dampelas Tinombo party implements a Community Forest Management system by utilizing rubber plants that have economic value that can guarantee and are expected to improve the community's economy towards prosperity and the realization of forest sustainability according to its original function. The purpose of this study was to determine the size and average income and whether or not the rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) farmers' farming business was profitable in Karya Mukti Village. Data collection methods used are survey and interview methods. Furthermore, the data analysis used is the analysis of income and business feasibility. The results of this study are rubber farmers in Karya Mukti Village can produce rubber per month as much as 6,300 kg/month with an average per person producing 260 kg per month which is sold at a price of Rp. 4,000/kg. So that the net income after deducting the total costs generated by rubber farmers per month is Rp. 9,351.001 per month. And the average per person is IDR 374,040 per month. R/C on rubber farming in Karya Mukti Village is 1.56. This means that the R/C value is greater than 1, meaning that the farming business is profitable. Keywords: Rubber Farmers, Income, Business Feasibility

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