JudulAnalisis Peran Stakeholders Dalam Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Wera Di Kabupaten Sigi
Tahun: 2021
The research aims to find out the role and relationship between stakeholders in the management of the Wera Natural Tourism Park. the study was conducted in January to march 2021 using snow ball sampling techniques in its data collection process. . This research applied the stakeholders analysis by identifying interests and influences between stakeholders as well as analysis of rights, responsibility, revenues and relationships (4R's) between stakeholders. It was then analyzed qualitatively descriptive regarding the interests and influences of stakeholders. The results of this study were found as many as 15 stakeholders involved in management, consisting of 3 stakeholders (key players), 2 stakeholders (subjects), 5 stakeholders (context setter) and 5 stakeholders (crowd). There is a good balance between rights, responsibility, revenues of each stakeholder. Relations between stakeholders are intertwined from some level, from cooperating to conflict. However, the coordination mechanism between stakeholders has not gone well. Thus, the development of coordination processes is needed to be broader, clear, structured to encourage optimal management. Kata Kunci: Stakeholders, pengelolaan, Taman Wisata Alam

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