JudulPendugaan Potensi Volume, Biomassa Dan Karbon Pada Tegakan Pinus (Pinus Merkusii) Di Hutan Produksi Terbatas (HPT) Wilayah Kelola UPT KPH Sintuwu Maroso (Desa Uelincu, Kecamatan Pamona Utara, Kabupaten Poso) |
Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak Pine plantation forest (Pinus merkusii) is one of the forests that has the ability to produce biomass and can store carbon stocks. This pine plantation (Pinus merkusii) is a Limited Production Forest (HPT) managed by UPT KPH Sintuwu Maroso with an area of 1,271.67 ha. The purpose of this research is to find out how much the potential volume, biomass and carbon. This research is based on data from direct measurements in the field of 30 circle plots representing 0.1 ha. Each of these plots is placed a total of 15 plots at 2 heights, namely <600 masl and ?600 masl. The observation and measurement of trees were determined using a systematic sampling method with purposive start. This research resulted in an estimated volume potential of 20,271.03 m3 /ha with an average potential of 675.70 m3 /ha, a biomass content of 9,289.77 tonnes/ha with an average amount of 309.66 tonnes/ha and carbon reserves of 4,644.80 tonnes/ha with an average of 154.83 tonnes/ha. Keywords: Volume, Biomass, Carbon Stock, Pine (Pinus merkusii), Limited Production Forest |