JudulEtnobotani Dan Potensi Keberlanjutannya Pada Masyarakat Desa Marena Kecamatan Kulawi Kabupaten Sigi
Tahun: 2023
Ethnobotanical studies emphasize the relationship between community culture and plant resources, both directly and indirectly. Ethnobotany can be used as a tool to document the knowledge of traditional communities who have used various kinds of plant benefits to support life, such as food medicine, building materials, traditional ceremonies, culture, coloring materials and others. This research was carried out for 3 months, from October to December 2022 in Marena Village, Kulawi District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. This study uses qualitative analysis with the Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) method. Measuring the cultural interest index (ICS) and using the researcher's subjective allocation approach. In the research process in the field, data was collected through three data collection techniques, namely interview techniques, questionnaire techniques and observation techniques. Data collection techniques were collected through semi-structured interviews using open-ended question types. The results showed that there were 16 types of plants used by the people of Marena Village. Based on the criteria for use, there was a medium category for the type of Cocos nucifera. Based on its use, namely as a food additive, other food ingredients, secondary ingredients, medicinal ingredients.

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