JudulKeanekaragaman Jenis Kupu-Kupu Family Nymphalidae Di Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Sulawesi Tengah
Tahun: 2023
One of the natural wealth of Indonesian fauna is insects (15%). Insects are part of the animalia kingdom with the highest species richness in terrestrial and aquatic species. The number of insects that live on earth according to T. R. New is not known with certainty, biologists suspect that there are at least 5-10 million types of insects. However, only about one million species have been described and named (Utami, 2012). The abundance of butterflies in a place depends on the habitat where there are lots of plants or host plants, the distribution of butterflies is strongly influenced by the availability of host plants both as food for the larvae and plants that produce nectar (essence of flowers) for adult butterflies. If these two factors are available in balance, the butterfly can continue its life from generation to generation (Triyanti & Arisandy, 2020). The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of butterfly species in the Nymphalidae family in Dusun II Paneki, Pombewe Village, Biromaru District, Sigi District, Central Sulewesi. The data collection technique uses the IPA (Indices Ponctuel d'Abondance) observation method by taking samples of butterflies at a certain time and location. Twenty observation points were made with three repetitions. The results showed that the number of individual Nymphalidae butterflies found in the Forest Park (TAHURA) area of Palu Dusun II Paneki Pombewe Village was 18 species of butterflies, consisting of 14 genera. The diversity index of Nymphalidae butterflies in the Forest Park (TAHURA) area of Palu, II Paneki Hamlet, Pombewe Village, is in the medium category (2.65).

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