JudulPotensi Tegakan Hutan Di Hutan Desa Lampo Kecamatan Banawa Tengah Kabupaten Donggala
Tahun: 2020
In terms of natural resources, Indonesia has a huge potential for natural resources, one of which is forestry. In general, a forest is defined as a dense cluster of trees growing together with vegetation climbing in a variety of varieties that play a vital role in life on earth. Every function of the forest has a potential value of trees. The tree's high and low value can be calculated by its way of processing data from a tree's inventory. The tree inventory is instrumental in presenting information about shore up the forest and also tree’s situation as well as the characteristics of the growing areas. This potential value can be used in planning for forest management including in the forest of Lampo Village, Central Banawah District. The riches of forests would have value if they could be used to fill human needs. In relevant to this utilization according necessary to shore up potential data, which will be the information in to forming plan of forest utilization. Without sufficient data of both quantity and quality, it would be impossible to devise a plan that could support an optimum use of forest wealth. The purpose of this study was to identify assumptions shore up forest potential in Lampo Village. The result of research has found that a remarkably diverse forest group in Lampo Village and that has the greatest potential for development is the lakotu tree (duabangamoluccana). Keywords: Natural resources, potential, leverage

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