JudulPengaruh Kompos Batang Pisang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Kemiri (Aleurites Mollucana Willd)
Tahun: 2020
The addition of banana stem compost can affect soil properties, both physical, chemical and biological properties. Thus the plants planted on the planting medium can grow well and give maximum results. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving Kepok banana stem compost on the growing media on the growth of candlenut seeds (Aleurites moluccana Willd). The purpose of this research is that it can be used as information about processing banana stalks into compost that is environmentally friendly, inexpensive and easy to make in increasing the growth of candlenut seeds. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) which consisted of four treatments as follows: P0 = Soil (control), P1 = Soil + compost of banana stems 1: 1, P2 = Soil + compost 1: 1/2 banana stalks, P3 = soil + compost of banana stems 1: 1 / 4. Of the four treatments There are 2 groups , the first group has 4 leaves and the second group has 5 leaves each repeated five times, so that the total sample required is 4 X 2 X 5 = 40 (forty) experimental samples. Observation parameters include seedling height increase, stem diameter, number of leaves and seedling firmness. Then analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and then tested the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Further testing is carried out if the analysis of variance shows that the banana stem compost has a vegetable effect. The results showed that P2 had a good effect, the average seedling height increase parameter was 9.65 cm, the average stem diameter was 2.44 mm, and the average number of leaves increased. from 9.65 cm. the average was 4.4, but had no significant effect on the firmness of the seedlings. Key words: candlenut, compost, banana stem

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