JudulKeanekaragaman Jenis Burung Pada Lahan Agroforestri Di Desa Bulili Kecamatan Nokilalaki Kabupaten Sigi
Tahun: 2021
In Indonesia, there are 1,539 species of birds and 381 species of which are endemic to Indonesia. About 250 species of birds are endemic to the Wallacea Region. The Wallacea region includes Sulawesi Island and its surrounding islands, including the Banggai Islands, Sula Islands, Nusa Tenggara Islands and Maluku Islands. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species in agroforestry land in Bulili Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency. The use of this research is expected to be used as additional information and data on bird species diversity in agroforestry land in Bulili Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency. This research was conducted from March 2019 to April 2019 which took place in Bulili Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency. This study uses themethod Point of Abudance IndexIPA- (Count). Based on the results of research on agroforestry land in Bulili Village, Nokilalaki District, Sigi Regency, there are 15 species of birds representing 13 families. The presence level of bird species, there were 10 bird species reaching 100% attendance level and 2 bird species having the lowest attendance rate, reaching 25%. The diversity index (H ') on agroforestry land is H' = 2.24488. This indicates that the species diversity index (H ') is included in the medium species diversity criteria. There are 4 bird species that have the highest diversity index, meanwhile there are 5 species that have the lowest diversity index. The evenness index for the research location was 0.82897.

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