Nama: Muh.Ismail
Tahun: 2021
ABSTRACT Mohammad Ismail. Study on identification of estrus period at post puberty and post partum of Donggala cattle. Supevised by: Prof. Ir. Burhanudin Sundu, M.Sc.Ag., Ph.D as promoter, Dr. Ir. Rusdin, M.P and Dr. Ir. Najamuddin, M.Si as co-promoters. This study was conducted at Donggala District as in Central Sulawesi, Donggala cattle were mainly distributed and kept in this district. This study was consisted of three phase. The study in the first phase aimed at picturing the environment al condition and cattle performance at the the rearing site of Donggala cattle. The first study indicated that the results obtained with the condition of critical cattle rearing areas on plantations with dry and barren conditions resulted in performance of Donggala catle being in the range between body condition score of 2 and 3. The objective of thestudy in the secend phase was to determine the condition and reproductive activity of Donggala heifers at post puberty period and Donggala cows at post partum period. The results of the second phase shows that the lower the body weight and body condition score, the later the age of puberty. The age and the optimal weight of Donggala cattle were 648 days and 248.63 kg respectively. The condition of reproductive activity of the Donggala cows at post partum period indicated that the heavier the body weight of Donggala cattle, the shorter the days open period. The study of the third phase had an objective of improving body condition and body weight of Donggala heifer at post puberty through feeding management. The results of the third phase indicated that feed supplementation improved conception rate due to increased body weight of 225.5 kg Donggala cattle to 252.75 kg (27.25 kg improvement) and increased in age at the first mating from 620 day of age to 652 day. From the results of the three study, it is concluded that management and environmental condition produced a significant effect on reproduction efficiency of Donggala cattle. Reproductive activity of Donggala heifers at post puberty and Donggala cows at post partum periods were determined by body condition and improved body condition could increase conception rate of Donggala cattle. Key words: Donggala cattle, puberty, reproduction efficiency

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