JudulStudi Perbandingan Kadar Albumin Pada Ikan Sidat (Anguilla Bicolor) Fase Elver Eel Dan Yellow Eel Asal Sungai Palu |
Tahun: 2020 |
Abstrak Albumin function to maintain pressure and as an immune response to infection, so albumin plays an important role in the process of healing burns, post-surgery, fractures and lung infections. Sources of albumin can be obtained from vegetable and animal protein. This study aims to determine albumin levels was determined using the method bromocresol green with a photometer. Based on the results of the study showed that the level of eel fish albumin can be seen from size. The levels of elver eel albumin 0,74g/100 gram, while the yellow eel phase is 0,82g/100gram. The results of the Independent T Test statistic showed that there were not significant differences between the eel and yellow eel phase from the Palu river (p?0,05). |