JudulPeramalan Jumlah Kasus Baru Dan Tingkat Kematian Akibat Covid-19 Di Indonesia Menggunakan Regresi Trend Parabola
Tahun: 2022
Parabolic trend regression is also known as quadratic trend which is a form of nonlinear trend, namely a trend in which the X variable has the highest rank which is 2. The purpose of this study was to look at the model and predict the number of new cases and death rates due to COVID-19 in Indonesia using the method parabolic trend regression. The results in this study, obtained for the model number of new cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia are: Y = 9549,19 + 32,35???? ? 1,28????2, and for model the death rate due to COVID-19 in Indonesia are: Y = 225,67 + 0,91???? ? 0,02????2. As for forecasting the number of new cases and the death rate due to COVID-19 in Indonesia for the next 30 day using the parabolic trend regression method, experiencing a decline from day to day it can be concluded that the government has done various things to suppress the rate of new cases of COVID-19, so that the death rate in Indonesia becomes low or decreases. Keywords: Covid-19, Number of New Cases, Fatality Rates, Parabolic Trend Regression, Forecasting.

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