JudulPenggerombolan Desa Di Kabupaten Poso Berdasarkan Sarana Prasarana Dan Tenaga Kesehatan Menggunakan Metode K-Prototype Dengan Algoritma Genetika
Tahun: 2021
Cluster analysis is a technique for grouping a set of similar objects into one group so that they are not similar to objects in other groups. Cluster analysis is generally applied to objects with numeric data type. but in reality clustering also uses categorical data types. Clustering handling with mixed-type data can be done by applying the k-prototype algorithm, but the determination of cluster center initialization tends to be sensitive. To handle the determination of the initialization of the cluster center, can be applied an algorithm that is genetic algorithm. This study discusses the facilities and infrastructure and health workers in Poso Regency where the infrastructure and legal personnel in the district are adequate but the distribution is not evenly distributed in several areas. The results of this study indicate that in the k-prototype algorithm there are 8 clusters with cluster centers optimized using the genetic algorithm, namely 36,7,99,49,69,104,105,110.

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