JudulPemodelan Zero Inflated Negative Binomial ( ZINB) Pada Kasus Jumlah Bepergian Penduduk Di Kota Palu
Tahun: 2020
Traveling is travel from one place to another, on foot or using transportation facilities for a particular destination, in a temporary period without intending to stay or settle in that place. Traveling is something that has been done by every resident, especially residents of Palu City. Palu City residents who travel have a certain purpose either because of their own desires or following others, it will affect the amount of travel per resident. The number of people traveling from Palu can be analyzed using the zero inflated negative binomial regression method (ZINB). ZINB regression is a method used to model calculated or discrete data with many zero values on the response variable (zero inflation) and overdispersion occurs. The results of this study obtained the ZINB regression model as follows : Model negative binomial state untuk ? ? ln?(? ? ) = ?(-1,104 + 0,064 X1 - 2,344 X32 - 2,220 X34) Model zero inflation untuk ? ? logit (? ? )=(-0,387+0,121 X1 ) Factors influencing the number of traveling population in the city of Palu are age (X1), variable (X32), namely residents who have jobs in mining and quarrying and variables (X34), namely residents who have jobs in electricity and gas obtained from the value of probability < 0.05. Keywords : Traveling residents, ZINB Regression, Overdispersion.

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