JudulAnalisis Filogenetika Diospyros Celebica Bakh. Berdasarkan Lokus TrnF-GAA Genome Kloroplas
Tahun: 2022
ABSTRAK Analisis filogenetika pada Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh), dilakukan untuk melihat kekerabatan antar spesies maupun subspesies. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara identifikasi berbasis molekuler, menggunakan penanda lokus trnF-GAA. Metode yang digunakan ialah experimental dan analisa in silico. Proses experimental antara lain; Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada dua lokasi diProvinsi Sulawesi Tengah, yakni Maleyali Kecamatan Sausu dan Enu KecamatanSindue, isolasi DNA, amplifikasi lokus trnF-GAA, pemurnian hasil PCR, elektroforesis DNA dan perunutan/sekuensing lokus trnF-GAA. Analisa in silicodilakukan untuk, analisis sekuens, BLAST NCBI, Pembuatan peta lokus trnF- GAA, pembuatan peta circular genome lengkap Diospyros celebica dan rekonstruksi pohon filogenetik. Dalam penelitian ini, dibuktikan bahwa lokus trnF-GAA dapat digunakan sebagai penanda antar spesies dan belum bisa antar subspesies. Berdasarkan rekonstruksi filogenetik letak Diospyros celebica dan sampel lainnya yang berbeda-beda, dapat disimpulkan bahwa lokus trnF-GAA dapat dijadikan sebagai penanda biogeografi. Kata kunci : Eboni (Diospyros celebica), trnF-GAA, DNA fingerprint, kloroplas genome, analisis filogenetik ABSTRACT Phylogenetic analysis on Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh), was carried out to see the relationship between species and subspecies. This was performed in a molecularly based manner, using the trnF-GAA locus marker. The method used is experimental and in silico analysis. Experimental processes include; Sampling was carried out at two locations in Central Sulawesi Province, namely Maleyali, Sausu District and Enu, Sindue District, DNA isolation, amplification of the trnF-GAA locus, purification of PCR results, DNA electrophoresis and sequencing of the trnFGAA locus. In silico analysis was carried out for, sequence analysis, NCBI BLAST, trnF-GAA locus mapping, complete circular genome mapping of Diospyros celebica and phylogenetic tree reconstruction. In this study, it was proven that the trnF-GAA locus can be used as a marker between species and not between subspecies. Based on the phylogenetic reconstruction of the location of Diospyros celebica and other different samples, it can be concluded that the trnF-GAA locus can be used as a biogeographic marker. Keywords: Ebony (Diospyros celebica), trnF-GAA, DNA fingerprint, chloroplast genome, phylogenetic analysis

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