JudulSistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Menu Makanan Terbaik Bagi Penderita Kolesterol Menggunakan Metode ELECTRE
Tahun: 2023
ABSTRACT Cholesterol in the form of free fatty acids and esters is one of the body's fats and is the main component of brain and nerve cell membranes in neutralizing toxins. Cholesterol is a cause of disease, especially heart disease whose cases continue to increase in Indonesia every year. The ELECTRE method is a multi-criteria decision-making method based on the concept of outperform which results in pairwise comparisons of alternatives based on the appropriate criteria. In other words, ELECTRE is used for cases with many alternatives but few criteria. An alternative is said to dominate another alternative if one or more criteria (compared to other alternative criteria) exceed and are equal to the remaining ones. Based on these descriptions and considerations, the solution to overcome the problem of choosing the best food menu for people with cholesterol is by using the Elimination Et Choix Traduisant La Realite (ELECTRE) method. This is a reference for the development of science in the field of information technology, especially in the field of treatment for people with cholesterol, and can help people choose good foods to consume according to the list on the food table for people with cholesterol and precision. Keywords: Cholesterol, criteria, ELECTRE, system, and food.

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