Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak Muh Tauhid Hidayat (F 231 16 094), with the title "Flood Hazard Mitigation Directive In West Palu District Of Palu City Of Palu" was guided by Khairinrahmat,S.T., M.T. Flooding is an overflow from a river or other body of water caused by the high intensity of rainfall or it can also be due to tidal waves. West Palu subdistrict is one of the flood subscription subdistricts in Palu City. Some flood points in West Palu District are located in Baru Village, Ujuna Village and Lere Village. The last flood occurred in October 2020 with a maximum inundation height of 50 cm that buried 154 buildings. Flooding in West Palu District, is a flood that comes from drainage overflows, river water that enters drainage channels, and rain puddles. Drainage conditions in West Palu District can be categorized as bad because of clogged drainage conditions, sedimentation, small drainage sizes and some areas do not have drainage. The purpose of the research to be achieved in this writing is to determine the direction of disaster mitigation of flood disasters needed in Palu Barat District of Palu City. As for some of the research targets that will be carried out to achieve these goals, namely, analyzing and identifying the potential dangers of flood disasters in Palu Barat Palu District of Palu City using ArcGis 10.3, analyzing and identifying flood hazard areas in Palu Barat Palu District using ArcGis 10.3 and recommending flood hazard mitigation directives in Palu Barat Palu Subdistrict. This research was conducted using quantitative descriptive method used to describe flood hazard conditions and direction of flood hazard mitigation recommendations in Palu Barat Subdistrict of Palu city based on observation and analysis. The type of approach used in this study is spatial or spatial approach. The results showed that the flood disaster in West Palu District that was conducted using overlay and scoring methods, obtained that the area has a low danger level of 105.88 ha, an area that has a moderate danger level of 516.24 ha and an area that has a high danger level of 96.35 ha. For the results of flood hazard mitigation directives conducted in West Palu District, divided into 3 areas, namely flood hazard mitigation directives in low hazard areas, flood hazard mitigation directives in moderate hazard areas and flood hazard mitigation directives in high hazard areas. Keywords: Flood Hazards, Flood Hazard Mitigation Directives, West Palu District |