JudulDesain Pusat Pembelajaran Pengurangab Resiko Bencana Di Kota Palu
Tahun: 2021
Muhamad Radinal Mukti (F22114039) "Design of Learning Center for Disaster Risk Reduction in Palu City" (Supervisor by Prof., Dr., Ir., Amar, S.T, M.T) Palu City is one of the areas that is passed by a large earth fault, namely the Palu Koro fault. Sehigga makes the city of Palu a disaster-prone city. On September 28, 2018 there was a major disaster in the city of Palu, causing many casualties. Many people have lost materials from many families. Therefore the importance of how to deal with the disaster itself by reducing the risk of the disaster. But where can people learn? The purpose of this study is to obtain a concept from the architectural design of the Learning Center for Disaster Risk Reduction in Palu City. The research method uses design methods and the type of architectural design research methods. By conducting field observations to review various documents and describe the phenomena found, then secondary data which includes literature data. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation and data verification. The data that has been collected during the research will produce analysis stages in the form of macro, micro, utility, structure and mass composition analysis which then results in the concept and design of the Learning Center for Disaster Risk Reduction in Palu City. Keyword : Learning Center , Disaster

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