Tahun: 2020
ABSTRACT Adrian Akbar R. (Stb. F 221 13 108) Contemporary Art Gallery in Palu City (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Amar, S.T., MT) Palu City is the capital city in Central Sulawesi Province, which has many artists in the same community and individual forms as other cities in Indonesia, including contemporary art. The development of contemporary art in Palu City itself has been pursued by forming the Central Sulawesi Arts Council (DKST) and the Palu Arts Council (DKP) as well as the formation of other arts councils at the Regency level in Central Sulawesi based on instructions from the Minister of Internal Affairs (INMENDAGRI) No. 5A 1993. And growing rapidly because of the internet as a medium for learning and seeking information. It is hoped that the presence of this gallery can be used as a forum for contemporary art actors to develop creativity to publish works properly or be exhibited to a wider audience so that the messages contained in these works can be conveyed to a wide audience. To answer this problem, the Architectural Design Research Method is used, data collection is carried out by observation studies, literature studies, and comparative studies of similar buildings which are then analyzed to get the right architectural concept for the Design of Contemporary Art Galleries in Palu City. In the end, the design strategy that is applied is to align the building with the context of the surrounding environment and to design the gallery through a contemporary architectural approach so that the building becomes an attraction for users as well as a gallery of information and learning centers related to contemporary art. Keywords : Gallery, Contemporary Art, Palu City

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