Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak ABSTRACT READING GARDEN IN PALU CITY 1Herykurniawan S.M (F221 13 053) supervised by 2 Dr. Ir Fuad Zubaidi, S.T, M.Sc Education is very important and the main capital in national development, especially for a developing nation like Indonesia. The problem in the education sector is still a problem that must be resolved immediately. One of the many problems related to the education sector is the low interest in reading, especially the younger generation. The presence of the Reading Garden in Palu City is a solution to the problem of low reading interest by applying the concept of ecological architecture, which is an environmentally sound development and maximizes the existing natural potential. The method used is the Architectural Research Method, where the author conducts research based on observations, literature, documents and scientific papers and other sources which are translated into macro and micro analysis. This is intended to obtain information about concepts and theories that can be used as a basis for designing a Reading Garden in Palu City. Based on the results of the analysis of the Reading Garden in the City as a place to foster and learn for the community by paying attention to the ecological principles in the design in the form of building configuration including openings, color and mass as well as the selection of environmentally friendly building materials, use of alternative ene rgy, applying the 3R material in buildings and environmental conservation by providing green open space. Keywords: Reading Garden, Palu City 1Architecture Student 2 Architecture Leturer |