Nama: Muh. Afnur Sandi |
Tahun: 2020 |
Abstrak Muh Afnur Sandi REVIEW ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ON THE TONUSU-PENDOLO ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, POSO DISTRICT. Supervised by Dr. Fahirah F. ST, MT. ABSTRACT Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an important thing that must be considered by the company and employees, through good OSH it is expected to reduce work accident rates and be able to increase employee morale. OSH itself has been regulated in Law No. 1 of 1970 stating that every workforce has the right to get protection for his safety in carrying out work for welfare and increasing National production and productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the description and influence of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) on the Tonusu-Pendolo Road Improvement Project, Kab. Poso. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and photographic analysis. The data retrieval process is done by making observations directly at the location of the work. The results of the study show that the Tonusu-Pendolo Road Improvement Project, Kab. Poso has implemented a work safety program properly. Some programs implemented include implementing the OSH Information Board, using a checklist of safe work readiness, HSE patrol, making and installing OSH signs and Tool Box Meeting. As for the occupational health program on the Tonusu-Pendolo Road Improvement Project in Poso District has provided health insurance in the form of BPJS and management of first aid facilities. The influence obtained by the company, namely, will be able to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace, so that employees who do not enter for reasons of injury or illness due to work are diminishing, giving a positive influence on work productivity, OSH programs can reduce losses time of project implementation, workers can work clmly and comfortly, reduce time losses due to project delays, and establish cooperation between workers and the company. Keywords: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Influence and Overview, Improvement of Tonusu-Pendolo Road, Poso district |