Tahun: 2022 |
Abstrak ANALISA PENERAPAN K3 TERHADAP TENAGA KERJA KONSTRUKSI SAAT PANDEMI COVID19 (STUDI KASUS NEW MALL TATURA) (Tiara Dyah Maharani, Andi Asnudin) ABSTRAK Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja merupakan salah satu aspek yang terpengaruh oleh adanya Covid19. Oleh karena itu, Kementrian PUPR mengeluarkan Intruksi mengenai Pencegahan Covid19 dengan tujuan terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang aman dan berfungsi sebagai standarisasi keamanan dalam proyek konstruksi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan K3 terhadap tenaga kerja konstruksi saat pandemi Covid19 pada proyek pembangunan Gedung New Mall Tatura Palu. Teknis penelitian menggunakan kuesioner berdasarkan sampel dari kontraktor, konsultan, petugas K3 dan beberapa tenaga kerja konstruksi yang bekerja di proyek pembangunan Gedung New Mall Tatura Palu. Kuesioner yang telah disebar selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan metode statistic deskriptif dan metode non parametrik. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tenaga kerja pada pembangunan New Mall Tatura Palu menerapkan Protokol Covid19 dengan variabel yang paling diterapkan adalah terkait penyampaian informasi dengan nilai persentase diperoleh 92,67%. Urutan penerapan berdasarkan 10 nilai persentase tertinggi adalah (1) Informasi Lokasi Pekerjaan, (2) Melakukan Gerakan 3M, (3) Informasi Periode Pekerjaan, (4) Melakukan Tes Kesehatan, (5) Pemberian Upah Kerja Berdasarkan Volume pekerjaan, (6) Pendampingan Pelatihan, (7) Memberikan Reward & Punishment, (8) Kontrol Kelayakan APD & APK, (9) Menyediakan APK, dan (10) Kegiatan Pelatihan. Kata Kunci : Tenaga Kerja, K3, Covid19, Penerapan ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF K3 TO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS DURING THE COVID19 PANDEMIC (TATURA NEW MALL CASE STUDY) (Tiara Dyah Maharani, Andi Asnudin) ABSTRACT Occupational Health and Safety is one aspect that is affected by the presence of Covid19. Therefore, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing issued an Instruction regarding the Prevention of Covid19 with the aim of creating a safe work environment and functioning as a safety standard in construction projects. This study aims to determine the application of K3 to construction workers during the Covid19 pandemic in the construction project of the New Mall Tatura Palu Building. The research technique used a questionnaire based on samples from contractors, consultants, K3 officers and several construction workers who worked on the New Mall Building project Palu Tatura. The questionnaires that had been distributed were then analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and non parametric methods. The results showed that the workforce in the construction of the New Mall Tatura Palu implemented the COVID19 Protocol with the most applied variable being related to the delivery of information with a percentage value of 92.67%. The order of application based on the 10 highest percentage values is (1) Job Location Information, (2) Performing the 3M Movement, (3) Work Period Information, (4) Conducting Medical Tests, (5) Providing Work Wages Based on Work Volume, (6) Assistance Training, (7) Providing Reward & Punishment, (8) Controlling the Eligibility of PPE & APK, (9) Providing APK, and (10) Training Activities. Keywords: Labor, Health and Safety, Covid19, Implementation |