Tahun: 2020
PENGARUH PERUBAHAN NILAI TITIK LEMBEK ASPAL, AKIBAT PENAMBAHAN VIATOP66 TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK CAMPURAN HRS-WC Reza Maulana Anshory, Mashuri, Jurair Patunrangi ABSTRAK Penambahan Viatop66 ke dalam aspal ternyata dapat meningkatkan nilai Titik lembek. Peningkatan nilai Titik lembek aspal juga mempengaruhi karakteristik dari campuran HRS-WC. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan Titik lembek aspal akibat penambahan Viatop66 terhadap karakteristik perkerasan aspal beton lapisan Aus (HRS-WC) Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Transportasi dan Jalan Raya, Universitas Tadulako Palu. Penambahan variasi kadar viatop66 dalam aspal adalah 0,0% ; 1,0%; 2,0%; 3,0%; 4,0%; dan 5,0% terhadap berat aspal. Penentuan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) campuran HRS-WC menggunakan Metode Marshall. Analisis hubungan antara nilai Titik lembek aspal dengan nilai karakteristik campuran HRS-WC menggunakan uji ‘F’ ANOVA dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa peningkatan nilai Titik lembek aspal akibat penambahan viatop66 ke dalam aspal dapat meningkatkan nilai kepadatan dan VFB campuran HRS-WC dengan persentase peningkatan tertinggi 0,67% untuk kepadatan dan 4,06% untuk VFB campuran HRS-WC pada nilai Titik Lembek Aspal 52,48 °C, menurunkan nilai VIM dan VMA campuran HRS-WC dengan persentase penurunan 11,92% untuk VIM dan 3,24% untuk VMA campuran HRS-WC pada nilai Titik Lembek Aspal 52,48 °C, menurunkan nilai flow serta meningkatkan Stabilitas dan MQ marshall campuran HRS-WC. Peningkatan nilai Titik lembek aspal akibat penambahan viatop66 ke dalam aspal juga meningkatkan nilai stabilitas marshall sisa di atas 90 % yang mengartikan perubahan nilai Titik Lembek Aspal akibat penambahan viatop66 dapat membuat aspal tahan terhadap perubahan lingkungan sekitar. Kata kunci : Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC), Karakteristik Campuran, Titik Lembek, Viatop66. THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN ASPHALT SOFT POINT VALUE, DUE TO ADDITION OF VIATOP66 TO CHARACTERISTICS OF MIXED HRS-WC Reza Maulana Anshory, Mashuri, Jurair Patunrangi ABSTRACT Adding viatop66 to the asphalt can actually increase the value of the Softening Point. Increasing the value of the asphalt softening point also affects the characteristics of the HRS-WC mixture. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of changes in the asphalt softening point due to the addition of viatop66 to Aus layer concrete asphalt pavement characteristics (HRS-WC) This research was conducted at the Transportation and Highway Laboratory, Tadulako University, Palu. Addition of variations in viatop66 levels in bitumen is 0.0%; 1.0%; 2.0%; 3.0%; 4.0%; and 5.0% of asphalt weight. Determination of the Optimum Asphalt Level (KAO) of the HRS-WC mixture using the Marshall Method. Analysis of the relationship between the value of asphalt softening point and HRS-WC mixed characteristic values using the ‘F’ ANOVA test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that the increase in asphalt softening point due to the addition of viatop66 to asphalt could increase the density and VFB value of HRS-WC mixture with the highest percentage increase of 0.67% for density and 4.06% for VFB of HRS-WC mixture in the Softening Point value Asphalt 52.48 ° C, decreases the value of VIM and VMA of HRS-WC mixture with a percentage decrease of 11.92% for VIM and 3.24% for VMA of HRS-WC mixture at Asphalt Softening Point value of 52.48 ° C, decreases the value of flow and improving the stability and MQ of the Marshall Hall HRS-WC mix. Increasing the value of asphalt softening point due to the addition of viatop66 to asphalt also increases the value of the remaining marshall stability above 90%, which means that changes in the value of Asphalt Softening Point due to the addition of viatop66 can make asphalt resistant to changes in the surrounding environment. Keywords: Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course (HRS-WC), Mixed Characteristics, Softening Point, Viatop66.¬¬

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