JudulAnalisis Pendapatan Usaha Gula Aren Di Kecamatan Bunobogu Kabupaten Buol
Tahun: 2024
INDAH SARI S. JANAR (E 321 20 250) Analysis of Palm Sugar Business Income in Bunobogu District, Buol Regency. Supervised by Abdul Muis and Nurmedika, 2024 Indonesia is a country that never runs out of natural resources. A country that is classified as a developing country. Indonesia is a tropical country and is rich in agricultural commodities, one of which is the agricultural product known in Indonesia is the sugar palm, the sugar palm tree or enau is a plant that produces industrial materials that we have known for a long time. However, unfortunately this plant has not received enough attention to be developed or cultivated seriously by various parties. There are so many types of products marketed every day that come from the raw material of the sugar palm tree and the demand for these products for both export and domestic needs is increasing. Almost all parts of the sugar palm plant can be utilized. One of them, the sugar palm sap produced from the process of cutting sugar palm flowers can be used to make food ingredients, palm sugar. Fermented sugar palm sap produces a product in the form of alcohol and parts of the sugar palm tree are very useful and can be used for various needs, starting from the physical parts (roots, stems, leaves, fibers) and production results (sap, starch/flour and fruit) (Lempang 2020). Problems often faced by palm sugar craftsmen are that the weather greatly affects the quality of the sap tapped by farmers. This can affect the income obtained by farmers. Therefore, this study aims to determine how much income is obtained by palm sugar businesses in Bunobogu District, Buol Regency. The sample taken was 30 samples from a population of 30 palm sugar craftsmen who were cultivating palm sugar in Bunobogu District, Buol Regency using a Questionnaire. The data analysis used was income analysis, revenue analysis and total cost analysis. The results of the study showed that the average income of palm sugar craftsmen in Bunobogu District, Buol Regency was Rp. 14,896,667/month while the average total cost used was Rp. 7,449,870/month. The income of craftsmen in Bunobogu District, Buol Regency in one month was Rp. 7,428,196/month.

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