JudulAnalisis Pendapatan Pengrajin Gula Merah Kelapa Di Desa Nambaru Kecamatan Parigi Selatan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong
Tahun: 2025
Intan Wahyuni ??(E321 20 117) Analysis of the Income of Coconut Brown Sugar Crafters in Nambaru Village, Parigi Selatan District, Parigi Moutong Regency (supervised by Hadayani and Hardiyanti Sultan, 2024). ?Parigi Selatan District is one of the areas with the largest coconut brown sugar production among 23 districts, this is because in Parigi Selatan District, most of the sub-sectors are plantations, one of the commodities is coconut plants. Coconut plants have flowers that produce coconut sap which is the main raw material in processing coconut brown sugar, the processing of coconut brown sugar is still processed traditionally. The purpose of this study was to determine the Income of Coconut Brown Sugar Crafters in Nambaru Village, Parigi Selatan District, Parigi Moutong Regency. ?This research was conducted in Nambaru Village, Parigi Selatan District, Parigi Moutong Regency, in June 2024. The location was determined intentionally (purposively) considering that Nambaru Village is an area of ??coconut brown sugar craftsmen in Parigi Selatan District. There are 115 craftsmen in Nambaru Village, the sample determination used the Slovin formula, including 34 craftsmen who were used as respondents. The data collection method used was observation and direct interviews using a questionnaire. The data analysis used was income analysis. ?Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the average monthly production results were 882.38 kg with a selling price of IDR 12,000-IDR 13,000/kg so that the average income was IDR 10,743,000 and the average total cost incurred was IDR 8,550,862/month, so the average income of the craftsmen was IDR 2,192,138/month.

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