JudulAnalisis Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Sistem Tanam Benih Langsung (Tabela) Di Desa Siboang Kecamatan Sojol Kabupaten Donggala
Tahun: 2023
This research was conducted in Siboang Village, Sojol District, Donggala Regency from July to October 2022. The research location was determined purposively (Purposive) with the consideration that Siboang Village is one of the villages where most of the people cultivate rice farming. Determination of the sample in this study was taken based on the Slovin formula, namely as many as 37 lowland rice farmers. The collection method used is direct observation and interview using a questionnaire. The data analysis used is income analysis. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the average income of rice farming respondents in Siboang Village once a growing season was Rp.27,287,785 ha/MT with a total rice production of 3,108 Kg/MT and a selling price of rice Rp.9,000/Kg, while the average total cost incurred was Rp.7,499,924 ha/MT, so that the average income of paddy rice farming in Siboang Village was Rp.20,471,091 ha/MT.

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