JudulStrategi Pengembangan Usaha Kacang Goyang Dengan Pendekatan Bisnis Model Kanvas Di UKM PRIMA RASA Di Kota PALU
Tahun: 2021
Prima Rasa is a small and medium-sized business that produces peanut shake. Peanut shake is a snack product made from peanuts wrapped in melted sugar and shaped like coral. Processed peanut business is usually categorized into agro-industry. The main objective of every business activity is to earn as much income as possible and incur minimal costs so that these business activities can continue and are feasible to operate. Therefore, it is very important to know the level of income and the feasibility of a business activity. This study aims to determine how much income is earned and the level of business feasibility of Kacang Goyang at UKM Prima Rasa. Determination of the research location is done purposively. Respondents taken in this study were 6 respondents consisting of 1 business owner of the Prima Rasa Peanut Shake UKM, 2 employees, and 3 consumers of the Prima Rasa Peanut Shake Business in Palu City. Analysis of the data used. The data used in this study are income analysis and business feasibility analysis. The results showed that the average income earned by the Prima Rasa UKM Peanut Shake business was Rp. 17.484.038 per month and the Prima Rasa UKM Peanut Shake business in Palu City is feasible. This can be indicated by a value of R/C> 1 of 1.61.

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