Tahun: 2021 |
Abstrak ABSTRAK This study aims to determine the development of horticultural commodities in Sigi Regency. This research was carried out in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, from November 2020 to March 2021. The design of this study is a factor in determining superior commodities using Location Quotient (LQ) analysis and Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) analysis. Each Horticultural Crop commodity is calculated for the last five years. The results of the Location Quotient (LQ) research show that the leading commodities of the Horticulture sub-sector include. Onion/Shallot (LQ=1,349), Chili/Chilli (LQ=2,977), Avocado/Alvocado (LQ=1,500), Pineapple/Poneapple (LQ=2,708), Turmeric/Curcuma Longga Linn (LQ=3,339) and Rose/ Rose (LQ=3.286). As for the Analysis of Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Onion/Shallot (DLQ = 18,979), Chili/Chilli (DLQ = 1,419), Potato/Capsicum Annuum (DLQ=2,429), Mango/Mango Mango (DLQ =1,0001). Tomato/Solanum Iycopersicum (DLQ=23,526), Durian/Durian (DLQ=28,9572), Banana/Banana (DLQ=2,476), Papaya/Papaya (DLQ=2,008), Avocado/Alvocado, (DLQ=68,047), Pineapple (DLQ=9,290) Ginger/Zingiber Officiale (DLQ= 6,1491) and Turmeric/Curcuma Longa Linn (DLQ=2,385). The determination of the leading commodity affects the increase in the PRDB of Sigi Regency due to the economic growth rate that depends on the agricultural component. Keywords:superior commodity, regional, comparative, competitive. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengembangan komoditi Hortikultura di Kabupaten Sigi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sigi Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, padabulan November 2020 sampai bulan Maret 2021. Desain penelitian ini merupakan satu factor penentuan komoditi unggulan dengan menggunakan analisis Location Quotient (LQ) dan Analisis Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ). Hasil penelitian Location Quotient (LQ) menunjukan komoditi unggulan subsektor Hortikultura diantaranya.Bawang Merah/Shallot (LQ=1,349), Cabai/Chilli (LQ=2,977), Alpukat/Alvokado (LQ=1,500), Nanas/Poneapple (LQ=2,708), Kunyit/Curcuma Longga Linn (LQ=3,339) dan Mawar/ Rose (LQ=3,286). Sedangkan untuk Analisis Dinamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Bawang Merah/Shallot (DLQ=18,979), Cabai/Chilli (DLQ=1,419), Kentang/Capsicum Annuum (DLQ=2,429), Mangga/Manggo Mangga (DLQ =1,0001).Tomat/Solanum Iycopersicum (DLQ=23,526),Durian/Durian (DLQ=28,9572), Pisang/Banana (DLQ=2,476), Pepaya/Papaya (DLQ=2,008), Alpukat/Alvokado, (DLQ=68,047), Nanas (DLQ=9,290) Jahe/Zingiber Officiale (DLQ=6,1491) dan Kunyit/Curcuma Longga Linn (DLQ=2,385). Penentuan Komoditi unggulan mempengaruhi peningkatan PRDB Kabupaten Sigi disebabkan adanya laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang bergantung pada komponen pertanian. |