JudulAnalisis Pemasaran Kopra Di Desa Oti Kecamatan Sindue Tobata Kabupaten Donggala
Tahun: 2020
ABSTRACT This Study aims to determine the shape of the channel, the price margin received by farmers (Producers), and copra. Copra marketing efficiency in each marketing chanel in Desa Oti Kecivitas Sindue Tobata in Donggala Regency. This research was carried out Desember to October 2019 in Oti Kecivitas Sindue Tobata Village, Donggala Regency. The sample respondents consisted of copra producers,collectors, and big traders. Copra producer sampling is done using simple random methode (Simple Random Sampling Methode). As many as 32 producers (farmers) out of a total population of 125 respodents who seek copra commodities then take samples traders carried out by exploratory method (Tracing Sampling Methode) so as much 1 traders gather,1 large trader. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The analysis used in this sesearch is marketing analysis i.e. marketing channels,marketing margins, part price received by farmers and marketing efficiency. The results of the marketing margin analiysis of copra channel 1 viz MT = Rp. 1.300/Kg. While the second channel, i.e yaitu MT = Rp. 400/Kg. The share of the price received by copra farmers in channel 1 is equel to 78,00 %, while the second channel is equel 90,00 %. The efficiency of copra marketing in the village of Oti on the first channel obtained results of 49% and the second channel obtained a result of 27,3%, so of two channels, the most efficient channel, i.e. The second channel with an efficiency value of 27,3%.

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