Tahun: 2024
Padi (Oryzae sativa L.) merupakan komoditas pertanian yang ada di Kecamatan Wita Ponda. Namum hasil dari produksi cukup rendah yang di sebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan petani dalam memelihara tanaman padi begitupun dengan kondisi lahan dan tanah yang belum diketahui kandungan unsur hara yang ada didalamnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk Identifikasi bakteri tanah pada lahan padi sawah (Oryzae sativa L.) di Kecamatan Wita Ponda. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan dari Maret sampai Mei 2024. Sampel tanah di ambil pada lima lokasi di Kecamatan Wita Ponda di ambil 1 sampel tidak utuh pada setiap lokasi pada kedalam 0-20cm yang digunakan mengindentifikasi bakteri serta menganalisis pH tanah dan C-Organik. Hasil penelitian pada lahan padi sawah (Oryzae sativa L.) di desa Lantula Jaya, Bumi harapan, Puntari Makmur, Emea dan Solonsa Jaya Kecamatan Wita Ponda teridentifikasi 1.184 isolat bakteri. Dari isolat bakteri tersebut ditemukan 362 isolat bakteri berbeda yang di kelompokkan dalam 4 genus bakteri yaitu: 119 isolat genus Azotobacter, 45 isolat genus Bacillus, 181 isolat genus Marinococcus dan 17 isolat genus Corynebacterium. Hasil analisis pH tanah berada pada kriteria agak masam sampai netral dengan nilai 6,49%; 6,44%; 6,9%; 6,68%. C-Organik pada kriteria rendah sampai sedang dengan nilai 1,18%; 1,37%; 2,44%; 1,16?n 1,81%. Kata kunci: Identifikasi Bakteri, pH tanah dan C-Organik Rice (Oryzae sativa L.) is an agriculture commodity in Wita Ponda Sub-District. However, the results of production are quite low which is caused by the lack of knowledge of farmers in maintaining rice plants as well as the condition of the land and siol which does not yet know the nutrient content in it. The research aims to identify siol bacteria in paddy fields (Oryzae sativa L.) in Wita Ponda Sub-District. This research was carried uot from March to May 2024. Soil samples were taken at five locations in Wita Ponda Sub-District, 1 incomplete sample was taken at each location at s depth of 0-20 cm which was used to identificatoin bacteria and analyze soil pH and C-Organic. 1.184 bacterial isolates were identified in low land rice fields (Oryzae sativa L.) in the villages of Lantula Jaya, Bumi Harapan, Puntari Makmur, Emea and Solonsa Jaya, Wita Ponda Sub-District. From these bacterial isolates, 362 different bacterial isolates were found which were grouped into 4 bacterial general, namely : 119 isolates of the Azotobacter genus, 45 isolates of the Bacillus genus, 181 isolates of the Marinococcus genus and 17 isolates of the Corynebacterium genus. The results of the siol pH analyze were in the criteria of slightly acidic to neutral with a value of 6,49%; 6,44%; 6,9%, 6,68%. C- Organic in low to medium criteria with a value of 1,18%; 1,37%; 2,44%; 1,16% and 1,81%. Keywords: Bacterial Identification, Siol pH and C-Organic

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