JudulKepadatan Poluasi Dan Pola Sebaran Hama Ulat Daun Kubis (Plutella Xylostella L.) (Lepidoptera:Plutellidae) Pada Tanaman Kubis Di Kecamatan Tanantovea
Tahun: 2023
This study aimed to determine the population density and distribution pattern of caterpillar and cabbage pests Plutella xylostella L. on community cabbage plantations and the hamlet of Coffee plantations and the hamlet of Tanjung Angin in the Tanantovea district. This research was carried out from February to april 2021. Observations were carried out for seven weeks seven consisting of 2 variables, namely population density and distribution pattern. The results showed that the population density in the coffee plantation was in the fourth we. the week with an average value of 5,02 head/plant. In contrast, the second observation was the highest population density in the Tanjung Angin sub-village, with an average value of 5,71 individuals/plant. The distribution pattern on cabbage fields in the coffee plantations and Tanjung Angin sub-villages is a random distribution pattern with the value of IP (Degree of Morishita)=0.

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