Tahun: 2023 |
Abstrak Pakcoy is a plant from the cruciferae family which is still in the same type as chicory/petsai and mustrad green/caisim. Pakcoy is variety of mustrad plant whose leaves are used as a vegetable. Pakcoy comes from the Asian continent, namely from china and East Asia. The aim was to determine the effect of giving various consentrations of bovine biourine on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants. This study used a randomized block disegn (RAK) consisting of 7 treatment levels, namely K0 = Control, K1 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 20 ml/L of water %, K2 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 40 ml/L of water %, K3 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 60 ml/L of water %, K4 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 80 ml/L of water %, K5 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 100 ml/L of water % and K6 = Concentration of Cow Biourine 120 ml/L of water %. The liquid fertilizer used as a treatment material is formented cow urine, the frist application of the plant is carried out at the age of 15 days after (HST), then it is given at the age of 25 HST, taking into account the concentration of each treatment. Each treatment was repeated 3 times and each experimental unit consisted of 3 plants so that the total plant was 63 polybags. This reseach was carried out at the Screen house of the Fakulty of Agriculture, Tadulako University. The implementation time starts from March to April 2022. The data obtianed is analyzed usinf analysis of variance (ANOVA) and if the treatment shows a Signifikant effetc, then a further test is carried out using the Honest significant difference test (BNJ) at a level of 120 ml/L of water. The results showed that the concentration of Cattle Biourine POC had no significant effect on the number of leaves, plant height and Wet Weight but had a significant effect on root volumen and Leaf area with the highest yields of 15.89 and 8.23. Keywords : Pakcoy, Concentration, Cow Biourine. |