JudulKarakteristik Fisika Tanah Pada Tipe Penggunaan Lahan Kopi Di Desa Peana Kecamatan Pipikoro Kabupaten Sigi
Tahun: 2022
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the physical characteristics of the soil on the type of coffee land use in Peana Village, Pipikoro District, Sigi Regency. This research method is descriptive exploratory which is carried out by direct survey at the research site and followed by taking soil samples as material for analysis in the laboratory. Soil, 2. the increase in density is followed by a decrease in the water content of field capacity 3. the increase in organic carbon is followed by a decrease in the water content of the field capacity 4. the increase in clay is followed by a decrease in the density of the soil 5. the increase in the water content in the field capacity is followed by an increase in carbon Organic 6. the increase in the water content of the field capacity is followed by an increase in clay.

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